How often have you collected your child from school and you’re excited to find out about their day… only to feel completely underwhelmed by their reply?
Perhaps you can relate to the convo below:
Parent: “How was your day today?”
Child: “It was fine..”
Parent: “What happened at school today?”
Child: “Not much… “
Parent: “What did you learn about?”
Child: “I can’t remember.”
We’re clearly not getting anywhere with this and it’s feels like we’re pulling teeth trying to have this conversation!
So to help make this process feel less painful and allow you to create deeper connections with your child, I’ve shared 25 alternative questions that you can ask instead of, “How was your day?”
Using these questions will help your child focus on particular moments of their day and it may also encourage them gain a different perspective of events that have taken place!
What made you smile today?
Who showed kindness today?
What did you learn today that you didn’t know yesterday?
Who were you kind to today?
What made you feel happy today?
What made you feel proud today?
Who did you help today?
What did you do today that made you feel brave?
What is something you learned today that you can teach me?
What was tricky for you today?
Who did you sit next to at lunch, today? (What did you learn about them?)
What was the hardest rule to follow today?
What made your teacher smile today?
What mistake did you make that taught you something new?
Who do you want to make friends with but you haven’t yet?
If you could solve one problem at school, what would it be?
What was difficult for you but you kept going and you didn’t give up?
What are you really grateful for today?
Who are you really grateful for today?
What experience or memory are you grateful for?
Who inspires you at school/home / with your friends, etc?
Why do they inspire you?
Was there a moment that you doubted yourself today?
What made you feel this way?
If you were the teacher tomorrow, what would you do?
And if all else fails then this final question is guaranteed to get them talking: “What did you have for lunch today?”
Here’s to deeper and hopefully more interesting sparks of conversation!
Feel free to let me know in the comments below which other questions you have used to prompt conversations with your child.
Image courtesy of Pixabay